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Careerians is a Training, Recruitment and Business services co, which starts on Jan 2018, To build an interactive progress between corporate and employee.

To build the interactive progress between the applicants and the corporates during the frame of challenging and balance among the work factors inside the corporate and what they need of qualified and efficient employees. That will push them to the highest levels of management success.

In another hand, through developing our trainees to reach a progressive and professional levels. By the end of our training progress, they will be able to build and design the base of their whole career.

- Practical Training.

- Employment.

- HRM Outsourcing and Operation Services.

- Market Research.

- Business Solutions and Consulting.

Just create an account on our website and feel free to use our services.

Of course, while you finishing you online course you will get your badge on your profile and the ability to download your course certificate.

In another hands, we provide some of special certificates for our students who passed the final assignment and exam of their courses such as HRCI certificate for HR courses.

As we always make sure that to have the most effective and efficient courses in all fields. Therefore, every one of our lecturers also is one of the best coaches in their respective fields.

Securely you can use your credit or debit card on our website for enrolling courses or buying any other services.

In addition to that, you can send us the amount of the course/service you want to charge for by Bank transfer, Egyptian Post and Vodafone cash.

It's really pleased us to share every moment with us at any time from any place, just visit our contact us page.

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